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Family Group Night | February 4, 2024



Read it

Job 5:19-22

From six calamities he will rescue you; in seven no harm will touch you. In famine he will deliver you from death, and in battle from the stroke of the sword. You will be protected from the lash of the tongue, and need not fear when destruction comes. You will laugh at destruction and famine and need not fear the wild animals.


Discover It

Most of you know the story of Job. He was a righteous and wealthy man in the Bible who was faced with suffering beyond what we can imagine. His flocks were stolen, his crops were destroyed, his servants killed, and all his sons and daughters all died in a tragic accident. His health took a turn for the worse; he was covered with painful sores. Even his wife turned against him, telling him to curse God and die. Job’s friends were sincere, but they were pretty miserable when it came to providing comfort. But one of his friends did say something accurate. In our scripture for today he speaks of the ultimate victory of believers in the one true God. Even though we face calamities in this life we can ultimately be rescued, delivered, and protected by the Lord. We can persevere through any trial and even laugh in the face of destruction. This is only possible, though, for believers who live life in on “higher ground,” looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith.


Ask It

1. In reading verses 19 through 22 of Job 5, does this mean that those who follow the Lord will never face troubles in this life?


2. Also, in verse 19 through 22, various types of troubles are described: Famine, battle, those who viciously speak against you, destruction, and wild animals. Which of these strikes the most fear in your heart? Discuss some other things that make you afraid.


3. Verse 22 says, “You will laugh at destruction and famine….” Is it really possible to have this much confidence and courage? How can we laugh at these terrible trials and calamities?


Live It

1. Be Confident! Trust God and His Word. If God says it in the Bible, it is settled truth. Read all that God says about how He will protect and save you. Receive his promises and receive Jesus into your life! (John 1:12)


2. Be Courageous! Bravery is not the absence of fear, but being able to face fear knowing that someone holds you who is much greater than any problem or trial – God Himself as revealed in Jesus Christ!


3. Laugh by Faith! Take all those things you worry about to God in prayer. Leave your fears with Him, replaced by your faith in Him. And then, think of all those worries and by faith, you can laugh at each of them, knowing that God is greater than any of our problems or pains.


Pray It

Lord in these troubled times, I thank you for the comfort of your love. By faith I lay before you all of the fears that paralyze me, all of the questions that perplex me, all of the wounds that scar me, and all of the memories that haunt me. And now by faith I pursue all of the promises in your word to bravely face the days ahead with a sense of expectation, adventure, and even laughter – knowing that God is my refuge and strength. Forgive me when I lose heart and thank you that you are so much bigger than any giant in this world. In Jesus name, Amen.


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