Read It
Proverbs 29:18
“Where there is no vision, the people cast off restraint; but happy is he who keeps the law.”
Discover It
This proverb in the Bible, emphasizes that God’s revelation, restraints, and regulations are necessary in order for an individual or church to thrive. It says that we need God’s vision (literally, the word, “revelation”) where God reveals His will to us. This verse also states that without God’s vision, people will “cast off restraint,” ignoring God’s standards for our life. On the other hand, those who know and follow the regulations of God’s law will be happy. We have found that God’s guidance leads us in a good way. So, follow the Lord as He reveals His vision for your life!
Ask It
1. What are some ways God reveals His vision to us? Why should we be interested in seeking God’s revelation for our lives?
2. In this verse in Proverbs, we learn that people “cast off restraint” with out the guidance of God’s vision for their lives. Why should we avoid an unrestrained life? How does God’s Word help keep us in check?
3. Our scripture says that, “…happy is he who keeps the law.” How can rules and regulations make someone happy? What would the world be like without laws?
4. As Christians, we are instructed that, “love is the fulfillment of the law.” What does this mean? (Hint: Read Romans 13:9-10 in LIVE IT #3 below).
Live It
1. SEEK. Earnestly desire to know and follow God’s vision for your life. Make seeking him by prayer and study of His word a priority in your life.
2. LIVE. Live your life within the boundaries of God’s will for your life. These regulations are not meant to constrain you, but to direct you and to give you joy and purpose.
3. LOVE. Remember as a Christian, love is the lens whereby we determine God’s law for our lives. For example, in Romans 13:9-10 we read, “The commandments, ‘You shall not commit adultery,’ ‘You shall not murder,’ ‘You shall not steal,’ ‘You shall not covet,’ and whatever other command there may be, are summed up in this one command: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ Love does no harm to a neighbor. Therefore, love is the fulfillment of the law.”
Pray It
Almighty God, I praise you for being the God who reveals Yourself and Your vision to Your children. Help me to take hold of your plan for my life as you reveal it to me. Please protect me from seeking to implement my own inferior ideas, or manmade notions. I only want Your plans and purposes. Draw me closer to You each day. And help me to find fellowship with other believers as we seek Your face together in prayer to determine Your plans and purposes to Your greater glory. In Jesus’ Name - AMEN