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Family Group Night | June 12, 2022



Read It

Micah 4:1

“In the last days the mountain of the Lord’s temple will be established as the highest of the mountains; it will be exalted above the hills, and peoples will stream to it.”


Discover It

Under the inspiration of God, the prophet Micah prophesied doom upon both Israel’s northern and southern kingdoms. For the first three chapters of this book of the Bible, Micah strongly condemns Israel and Judah for idolatry, immorality, and injustice. Israel would be conquered and humiliated by the violent and cruel Assyrian Empire. But all the while, false spiritual leaders and unjust political leaders kept encouraging the people in their evil ways. According to Micah they had crossed God’s deadline. They would be destroyed. But suddenly everything changes in chapter four of Micah. In the last days, God’s temple would be established like the highest of mountains. And people from all over the earth will stream to the Lord to be comforted and saved.


Ask It

1. In this passage of scripture, God promises to give “relief” to His people. Describe when you were given “relief” in your life. How did it feel? (For Kids: “Relief” on a hot day may be jumping into a pool).

2. In the book of Micah we read that sometimes things get worse before they get better, but those who endure to the end will be saved. Describe a time when you had to “endure.” (For Kids: You may have to “endure” when you run a long race, or have a homework assignment that takes time to complete).

3. Why do you think that people from every nation will one day go to God in the last days? Name some things that attract us today? Why is God the greatest attraction of all? Why do some people avoid God?


Live It

1. God allows Israel to experience consequences for not loving and obeying Him. Try to think of times you have strayed from the Lord. Pray for His help to get back on the right track.

2. Ask the Lord for endurance to get through the hard parts of life. Look forward to a time sooner or later that God will deliver His people. And make sure you receive Jesus to be saved!

3. No one can thwart God’s ultimate will. So, make sure you submit to God’s plan for our world, and for your life! Look forward to the Lord making everything alright.


Pray It

Lord, help my world, my nation, may community, my church, and my family to stream to you to be saved and revived. Help me to never leave you, but to experience your relief and salvation as I endure to the end.


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