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Family Group Night | September 25, 2022



Read It

2 Corinthians 1:10-11

He has delivered us from such a deadly peril, and he will deliver us again. On him we have set our hope that he will continue to deliver us, as you help us by your prayers. Then many will give thanks on our behalf for the gracious favor granted us in answer to the prayers of many.


Discover It

In this passage of scripture, Paul describes a time when he was in the Roman province of Asia (present day Turkey). During this time, he was beset with troubles and tribulation. We do not know specifically what his trials were, but we do know that they were so severe that he felt he could not go on. Were it not for a group of Christians praying for him, he would have despaired of life itself. As he was helped by their prayers, he was delivered again and again from his perils. As the prayers of his friends were answered, Paul and many others would rejoice as they experienced God’s favor.


Ask It

1. Paul spoke of his deliverance from a “deadly peril.” What are some deadly perils that God’s children may encounter today? How can God protect you from such deadly perils?

2. Paul “setting his hope” upon the Lord for continued deliverance. What does it mean to “set your hope” upon God? (Hint: Think of a table our chair. You want it to be strong enough to hold whatever you set upon it).

3. Paul mentioned his “hope” (meaning his “confident expectation”) that God would continue to deliver him as the church in Corinth continued to help him by their prayers. Why do you think the Lord uses the prayers of others to make a difference in a person’s life?


Live It

1. REALIZE. Be aware of the Lord’s protective hand upon our life every day. Thank you for protecting you from the deadly perils around us.

2. HOPE. Set your hope upon the Lord. As an old him says, He is a “firm foundation.” Rely upon Him. Rest in Him. Live for Him!

3. PRAY. Don’t forget the importance of praying for one another. The amazing strength of intercessory prayer can and will help others in their continued deliverance and victory every day.

4. GATHER. The Bible is all about believers grouping to accomplish more together than apart. The solitary Christian is never an ideal in scripture. So, become involved regularly and actively in a church and small group. You will experience power, growth, and deliverance. And…God will use your prayers together to deliver others!


Pray It

Lord, thank You that no matter what has come my way, I am not abandoned or alone. I am able to call upon You for help at any time. And there are fellow Christians waiting to pray and help also. So, help me to find them, and to find You in every situation, trial, or trouble. “You are my hiding place; you will protect me from trouble and surround me with songs of deliverance.” (Psalm 32:7)


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